SCP-034 - Obsidian Ritual Knife
…The individuals who have their flesh cut off by SCP-034 must still be biologically alive to maintain the facade.


SCP-033 - The Missing Number
“Imagine if all our technology was based on the belief that after 4 came 6. We simply didn't know or conceive of 5.”

SCP-1440 - The Old Man From Nowhere
“I have spent time untold searching for him, trying to return his prize and those I won from his brothers, but to no avail.”

SCP-032 - Brothers' Bride
“I am to be his last undoing, a hastening to the end of reason.”

SCP-031 - What is Love?
A subject directly perceiving SCP-031 will see it as an individual the subject knew and had a romantic attraction to at some point in their past.

SCP-030 - The Homunculus
SCP-030 has also demonstrated knowledge of physics, chemistry, astronomy, mathematics and horticulture roughly equivalent to that of a 17th-century CE academic.
![“[FILE NOT FOUND]”](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5ec85e2d4c483c5e7cb97193/1590296740757-PWALG72QPG6OIXMW2SMN/Main+Series.png)

SCP-028 - Knowledge
Subjects “entering” SCP-028 are… struck by total and complete knowledge of a subject. This knowledge is thus far completely random in both size and usefulness…

SCP-027 - The Vermin God
As host to SCP-027, subject 027-02 is constantly surrounded by swarming vermin that are drawn to his location.

SCP-026 - Afterschool Retention
“They started six months ago. It's the same dream. But each time, it takes me a little longer to notice it isn't real.”

SCP-025 - A Well-Worn Wardrobe
The cause of death or injury in these instances is invariably linked to the… flaws in the clothing, but only ever appears to be an unrelated incident.

SCP-024 - Game Show of Death
More often than not, the obstacles seen in these games range from incredibly benign to extremely hazardous and life-threatening.
![SCP Tales, Episode 3 - "Mothers' Love" [SCP-023]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5ec85e2d4c483c5e7cb97193/1590302496601-Y8LJAIQE8SO5242GGH0A/SCP+Tales.png)
SCP Tales, Episode 3 - "Mothers' Love" [SCP-023]
I must protect my-children-who-birthed-me where I can, just as my strange brethren are driven to curse them.

SCP-023 - Black Shuck
In an attempt to curtail the danger posed by SCP-023, Dr. ████████ has approved the removal of both 023's eyes and teeth.

SCP-021 - Skin Wyrm
This tattoo is fully animate within the confines of its host's skin and behaves largely as a normal animal would, albeit in only two dimensions.

SCP-020 - Unseen Mold
At this point, a civilian woman appeared in the doorway, holding a kitchen knife. Video surveillance showed that nearly two-thirds of her face was covered by mold growths.

SCP-019 - The Monster Pot
The entities vary in many aspects, but tend to be small, vaguely humanoid, and extremely hostile.