SCP-2718 - What Happens After
“My name is Miriam Prayther. I have been O5-7 for seventy-seven years. I will remain so for perhaps seven minutes more…”

SCP-4005 - The Holy and Heavenly City of Fabled China
“There's a better world out there, Martha!”

SCP-146 - Bronze Head of Shame
"Stop. Take it back. Don't. I won't do it again. I'm sorry. I don't want to. Not again. Stop… Please…"

SPC-3284-J - Lava Sharks
Mobile Fist Team Sigma-6 ("Flaming Fists of Fury") are to be included in all 3284-related operations.

SCP-145 - Man-Absorbing Phone
In the background, the listener will hear sounds of violence and expressions of pain and anguish.

SCP-144 - Tibetan Rope to Heaven
Throughout the centuries, several climbers have disappeared, yet the monks believe that one day they will return, bringing greater understanding and enlightenment with them.

SCP-143 - The Bladewood Grove
The parent trees were owned by a family of traditionalist swordsmiths, claiming to be descended from a legendary sword maker named Amakuni.

SCP-078-J - Cooties
Although the properties of SCP-078-J are not fully understood, it is well known for causing various cases of yuckiness, bad smells, and immediate death.
![SCP Tales, Episode 14 - “The Worm” [SCP-1461]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5ec85e2d4c483c5e7cb97193/1697088138324-DS6FMR34H7JVQIRGRVEH/SCP+Tales.jpg)
SCP Tales, Episode 14 - “The Worm” [SCP-1461]
“I will not let him be fed to the worm. I will hurl myself into its teeth, that my bones might clog its innards, before I let them take my son.”

SCP-1461 - House of the Worm
“I am what you have made me. I am choice and I am tyranny. Forgive me.”

SCP-142 - One-Armed Bandit
Staff assigned to SCP-142 must not have any personal or family history of compulsive gambling nor gambling addiction.

SCP-141 - Codex Damnatio
SCP-141 has apparently been employed in... heretical trials of the Catholic Church..., the Spanish Inquisition, the witch hunts of the 17th century, and the Red Scare of the mid-20th century.

SCP-5040-J - Stripèd Gangs
"Major Mime-11 has been lost, and with him nearly the entire North American supply of white gloves and black berets."

SCP-140 - An Incomplete Chronicle
If SCP-140 comes into contact with any fluid suitable for writing, including human blood, the account of the Daevite civilization’s history expands.

SCP-139 - All Eyes on Lucian 👁
SCP-139-Ω is presently being tracked, observed, and hounded by Site-97 deep-cover personnel.

SCP-138 - The Ever-Living Man
Due to his severely injured state, SCP-138 is in a constant state of agony...

SCP-137 - The Real Toy
The toy was replaced by a full-sized Ferrari that attempted to race around the testing facility, ultimately crashing into the wall at high speed

SCP-136 - Naked Doll
"This thing is killing people. We haven’t learned anything new from it in ten years, and we can’t use it."

SCP-2558-J - Pufferkittens
Several varieties have been observed, including long-haired, hypoallergenic, grenade (see Addendum), and bouncy.