SCP-143 - The Bladewood Grove
The parent trees were owned by a family of traditionalist swordsmiths, claiming to be descended from a legendary sword maker named Amakuni.

SCP-3333-J - Angsty Teenage Plant
SCP-3333-J apparently grows better when listening to songs by My Chemical Romance. It is allowed to do so as long as the volume is set to a reasonable level.

SCP-097 - Old Fairgrounds
Between April and November each year, the area within SCP-097 has produced a number of anomalous phenomena ranging from benign to implicitly aggressive.

SCP-060 - Infernal Occult Skeleton
SCP-060-Alpha is extremely dangerous, having proven to be hostile and relatively intelligent.

A memo about the Database’s goings-on, both in fiction and in real life. Includes a clip from “SCP-049-J - The Plague Fellow”

SCP-049-J - The Plague Fellow
“No good sir I am most effective. I mean, my cure. I am the cure. Very effective. The most. Because I am a doctor.”

SCP-046 - “Predatory” Holly Bush
Investigation is ongoing into potential memetic effects brought about by knowledge of SCP-046…

SCP-038 - The Everything Tree
Dr. Klein has requested that personnel discontinue the cloning of items from the vending machines.