SCP-123-J - Amazing Butter-like Substance!
When informed that the substance is not organic butter, subjects typically report disbelief.

SCP-106-J - The Barbecue Man
SCP-106-J is capable of vanishing into stoves or ovens, entering what seems to be a kind of “cookout dimension”.

SCP-7800-J - The Five-Second Rule
Extraordinary Event 7800-J-17, the Jim Pepperoni's Five-Cheese Calzone Incident, is estimated to have saved Foundation staff at least $5.95.

SCP-4252 - Beans and Betrayal
Jethusent the Mighty King / Please bless our presence with your own / Consume our Bubbling Beanous Bile / From up atop your sparkling throne

SCP-173-J - The Original “The Sculpture”
"It sounds like he's up for a pudding wrassle [sic]. It's okay, I'm pretty sure you can take him.”

SCP-5740 - all cop are buddy by dado
“dado is only purveyor of fine business and excellent salesman, like the bezos or 420 elon.”

SCP-1162-J - “Double Down Sandwich”
In the case of containment compromise, full nuclear sterilization is considered automatically authorized.

SCP-\̅\̅\̅\̅-J - The Subject is Aware
This entry was generated by loading 3000+ SCPs into the Botnik predictive keyboard app.

SCP-1141 - Entrepreneurial Spirit
“I didn't get into the restaurant business in this universe to not be allowed to actually serve my food to the public…”

SCP-666½-J - The Roaring Flames of Hell
Subjects often experience shortness of breath, extreme jaw pain from the clenching of teeth, and mild bruising on hands from putting the rim of the toilet bowl in a death grip.