SCP-078-J - Cooties
Although the properties of SCP-078-J are not fully understood, it is well known for causing various cases of yuckiness, bad smells, and immediate death.

SCP-135 - Universal Carcinogen
Disciplinary measures need not be taken against personnel that violate this rule, because the direct consequences of SCP-135's effects have been deemed consequence enough.

SCP-129 - Progressive Fungal Infection
Witnesses riding in a commuter train car in [DATA EXPUNGED] described a woman suddenly blowing up like a balloon and exploding…

SCP-088 - The Lizard King
…Affected personnel underwent a painful mutation after which they shared the physical characteristics of SCP-088.

SCP-100000-J - Procedure 110-Overkill
The outer sarcophagus must, at all times, receive broadcasts… [of] live monologues of how awful SCP-100000-J is and why it will never, ever escape, destroy humanity, or find true love.

SCP-885-J - Researcher Jacobs’ Inability To Clean Up After Himself
Investigations into how an actual human being could live like that are ongoing.

SCP-1162-J - “Double Down Sandwich”
In the case of containment compromise, full nuclear sterilization is considered automatically authorized.

SCP-059 - Radioactive Mineral
When an area is exposed to delta radiation for more than 15 minutes, an unknown species of fungus (designated SCP-059-1) begins to grow on any exposed surface.

A memo about the Database’s goings-on, both in fiction and in real life. Includes a clip from “SCP-049-J - The Plague Fellow”

SCP-049-J - The Plague Fellow
“No good sir I am most effective. I mean, my cure. I am the cure. Very effective. The most. Because I am a doctor.”

SCP-032 - Brothers' Bride
“I am to be his last undoing, a hastening to the end of reason.”

SCP-020 - Unseen Mold
At this point, a civilian woman appeared in the doorway, holding a kitchen knife. Video surveillance showed that nearly two-thirds of her face was covered by mold growths.

SCP-016 - Sentient Micro-Organism
Should the subject undergo [a life-threatening crisis], the organism will change its survival tactic… to the rewriting of the host's DNA and stimulation of rapid cell division.

SCP-008 - Zombie Plague
Subject can adapt to its damaged nervous systems but is limited to basic physical activities, including standing up, balancing on two legs, walking, biting, grabbing, and crawling.