SCP-073 - “Cain”
There is a symbol engraved into the forehead of the subject, which appears to be of Sumerian origin. Symbol has of yet been untranslated, and subject appears distressed when the symbol is mentioned at all, refusing to speak on it.

SCP-1141 - Entrepreneurial Spirit
“I didn't get into the restaurant business in this universe to not be allowed to actually serve my food to the public…”

SCP-1543-J - The Sun Launcher
Painted on the side is the motto, in large capital letters, “When in doubt, launch into the sun” (which some feel can never match the flair of the SCP’s old creed, “Into the fiery orb with ye”).

SCP-072 - The Foot of the Bed
Instances of SCP-072 have only been observed to manifest when a human… enters REM sleep while located in a bed ‘infected’ by SCP-072 and leaves a foot or feet exposed to open air.

SCP-071 - Degenerative Metamorphic Entity
“…SCP-071 assumed the shape of a female Golden Retriever. D-7883 reacted with shock and refused to proceed with the experiment, though the subject’s physiological signs were consistent with a state of sexual arousal.”

Tutorial-03 - Security Clearance Levels
Foundation security clearances granted to personnel represent the highest level or type of information to which they can be granted access.

SCP-070 - Iron Wings
The wings of SCP-070 appear to act independently of the person they are attached to, and SCP-070 has stated repeatedly that it has no control over them.

SCP-069 - Second Chance
Despite the fact that SCP-069 is identical in all ways to Agent █████, it remains an active SCP in containment, and is not to be treated as a Foundation employee.

SCP-068 - The Wire Figure
Once metal has been found, SCP-068 will begin to knead it and pull a thin strip of metal off of it. SCP-068 will then construct another figure similar to itself.

SCP-067 - The Artist’s Pen
When subjects are asked to explain what happens when they hold SCP-067, the typical response is that the subject freely relinquishes control of their appendage to SCP-067 so that it may complete its work unimpeded…

SCP-066 - Eric’s Toy
When a set of six or more notes are produced, SCP-066 will produce a benign effect of varying nature and duration.

SCP-004-J - Stan from Accounting
SCP-106 appeared rapt with attention, materialized a business card and agreed to join SCP-004-J for a "lunch and learn" at his soonest convenience.

SCP-065 - Destroyed Organic Catalyst
SCP-065 is a spherical region of space approximately 12 m in radius… formed by the destruction of an anomalous artifact on-site by the Global Occult Coalition…
![SCP Tales, Episode 6 - “The Last Man” [SCP-2399]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5ec85e2d4c483c5e7cb97193/1590302496601-Y8LJAIQE8SO5242GGH0A/SCP+Tales.png)
SCP Tales, Episode 6 - “The Last Man” [SCP-2399]
“One small step for a man, one giant end for mankind.”

SCP-2399 - A Malfunctioning Destroyer
…SCP-2399 [uses] highly advanced, anti-matter-based weaponry to create spacial disruptions and devastating atmospheric [DATA EXPUNGED] observable as a large red vortex, commonly known as the Great Red Spot.

SCP-064 - Flawed von Neumann Structure
Past observations indicate that the structure could attain the shape of a twelve-pointed star, over 10km in diameter and of considerable height.

SCP-063 - “The World’s Best TothBrush”
However, matter touched by the bristles is not separated… but completely expunged from existence, leaving no trace whatsoever.

SCP-062 - “Quantum” Computer
Inspection of its interior has revealed that SCP-062 is empty except for a blank circuit board in place of where the motherboard of a standard personal computer would be.

SCP-061 - Auditory Mind Control
Most test subjects report being unable to remember the actions they performed while under control, but a few have experienced the effect of "watching helplessly" as their body acted against their will.