SCP-4005 - The Holy and Heavenly City of Fabled China
“There's a better world out there, Martha!”

SCP-136 - Naked Doll
"This thing is killing people. We haven’t learned anything new from it in ten years, and we can’t use it."

SCP-132 - Broken Desert
Clusters of contiguous instances have been internally consistent and have been confirmed to display areas of every major desert.

SCP-125 - Contagious Reflection
In its normal state, SCP-125 is completely harmless and incapable of multiplying. It is, however, perfectly capable of moving to a living reflective surface, specifically that of a living animal's cornea.

“Beginning at approx. 5 minutes, multiple incisions, lacerations and penetration wounds can be seen being slowly inflicted, though no corresponding source of these wounds is visible.”

SCP-4910 - “The Grinner”
Artistic representation varies wildly, yet focuses exclusively on various amalgamations of teeth and the associated gingiva.

SCP-2063 - A Past Vision of the Future
“Congratulations! By reading this message, you have just told an alien piece of hardware what to do.”

SCP-099 - The Portrait
A reproduction of the work currently hangs in the Museum of Modern Art in New York, with critical elements removed to prevent the paranoia trigger.

SCP-096 - The “Shy Guy”
“Let this be on record that I am formally requesting SCP-096 be terminated as soon as possible.”

SCP-018-J - Normal Trench Coat Worn By An Adult
… As expected, the D-Class personnel were distracted from their escape by the prospect of viewing an R-rated movie.

SCP-1471 - MalO ver1.0.0
“Be part of the new craze that is quickly becoming the next social substitute. Remember, the more you participate, the more MalO will engage you. Your experience is completely up to you.”

SCP-091 - Nostalgia
“Assistant Researcher ████ — while viewing a recording of her wedding from 199█ — noted SCP-091 in the background of the film and noted a strong flood of nostalgic memories attached to it…”

SCP-085 - Hand-drawn “Cassy”
Personnel report that [SCP-085] is amicable and motivated, albeit lonely.

SCP-065 - Destroyed Organic Catalyst
SCP-065 is a spherical region of space approximately 12 m in radius… formed by the destruction of an anomalous artifact on-site by the Global Occult Coalition…

SCP-031 - What is Love?
A subject directly perceiving SCP-031 will see it as an individual the subject knew and had a romantic attraction to at some point in their past.

SCP-012 - A Bad Composition
Attempts to perform the music have resulted in a disagreeable cacophony…