SCP-135 - Universal Carcinogen
Disciplinary measures need not be taken against personnel that violate this rule, because the direct consequences of SCP-135's effects have been deemed consequence enough.

SCP-129 - Progressive Fungal Infection
Witnesses riding in a commuter train car in [DATA EXPUNGED] described a woman suddenly blowing up like a balloon and exploding…

“I know that your organization doesn’t approve of the term, but it is still the case. The Stag is a god, and it is not a mild god of Earth.”

SCP-125 - Contagious Reflection
In its normal state, SCP-125 is completely harmless and incapable of multiplying. It is, however, perfectly capable of moving to a living reflective surface, specifically that of a living animal's cornea.

SCP-124 - Fertile Soil
Absolutely no biological matter is allowed within one metre of SCP-124 when not being studied.

“AUDIT: SCP-116”
“…You were brought onto this project to see it to its end. It has been several months. What is the current status of SCP-116?”

SCP-4910 - “The Grinner”
Artistic representation varies wildly, yet focuses exclusively on various amalgamations of teeth and the associated gingiva.

SCP-113 - The Gender-Switcher
In subjects with nonstandard gender identities (typically gender identities which do not match their pre-exposure biological sex), this usually results in positive psychological effects.

SCP-102 - Property of Marshall, Carter, and Dark Ltd.
…A "vacation home for those with discerning taste in the eclectic adventures of privileged life".

SCP-1155 - Predatory Street Art
A period of rapid relocations was noted in SCP-1155, where it was observed in several public places with a posture that suggested hunting/tracking behavior.

SCP-088 - The Lizard King
…Affected personnel underwent a painful mutation after which they shared the physical characteristics of SCP-088.

SCP-1162-J - “Double Down Sandwich”
In the case of containment compromise, full nuclear sterilization is considered automatically authorized.

SCP-072 - The Foot of the Bed
Instances of SCP-072 have only been observed to manifest when a human… enters REM sleep while located in a bed ‘infected’ by SCP-072 and leaves a foot or feet exposed to open air.

SCP-065 - Destroyed Organic Catalyst
SCP-065 is a spherical region of space approximately 12 m in radius… formed by the destruction of an anomalous artifact on-site by the Global Occult Coalition…

SCP-051 - Japanese Obstetrical Model
“There was more blood, and the baby began to emerge into my hands. … I had never seen such a thing.”

SCP-047 - Microbial Mutagen
Agents in the area are advised to familiarize themselves with the symptoms of P-047-A and be on the lookout for possible infection.

SCP-040 - Evolution’s Child
“Can you tell me about your parents?”
“Mr. Green said I don't have any.”
”Can you tell me about Mr. Green, then?”

SCP-034 - Obsidian Ritual Knife
…The individuals who have their flesh cut off by SCP-034 must still be biologically alive to maintain the facade.