SCP-117 - Complete Multitool
However, if the user is faced with a specific task, regardless of what tool the subject intends to pull out and use, a tool perfectly fit for the task at hand will take its place.

SCP-020-J - A Pale Comparison
SCP-020-J was discovered outside Site-30's 5th-floor janitor closet alongside the corpses of Janitor Worth, five site guards, D-1221, and Dr. Cimmerian.
![SCP-086 - The Office of Dr. [REDACTED]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5ec85e2d4c483c5e7cb97193/1590296740757-PWALG72QPG6OIXMW2SMN/Main+Series.png)
SCP-086 - The Office of Dr. [REDACTED]
“Although we appreciate SCP-086's conscientiousness, there is at this time no pressing reason to classify it as "Euclid". If circumstances change, we'll reconsider.”

SCP-067 - The Artist’s Pen
When subjects are asked to explain what happens when they hold SCP-067, the typical response is that the subject freely relinquishes control of their appendage to SCP-067 so that it may complete its work unimpeded…

SCP-063 - “The World’s Best TothBrush”
However, matter touched by the bristles is not separated… but completely expunged from existence, leaving no trace whatsoever.

SCP-5308-J - The Collection
Any personnel who attempts to [use SCP-5308-J-4] will be terminated, and their surviving relatives assigned to Keter duty.

SCP-034 - Obsidian Ritual Knife
…The individuals who have their flesh cut off by SCP-034 must still be biologically alive to maintain the facade.