SCP-119 - Timecrowave
At power level 5, with an input of 999 seconds, the microwave will run for 999 seconds, and the contents will have aged… 31,529,964 years.

SCP-112 - The Variable Coaster
“every spin every turn every twist even when it got dark i could hear her laughing and wooing.”

SCP-2000 - Deus Ex Machina
Since its inception, SCP-2000 has been activated at least twice.

SCP-110 - Subterranean City
“Three of the main life-sustaining services contained within the Core are damaged beyond reasonable repair. Any attempts to repair them would take… more time than we have left to live.”

SCP-7800-J - The Five-Second Rule
Extraordinary Event 7800-J-17, the Jim Pepperoni's Five-Cheese Calzone Incident, is estimated to have saved Foundation staff at least $5.95.

SCP-052 - Time-Traveling Train
█████ ████████ claims to be a Level 4 Supervisor from the “SCP Federation” who entered the train in December 2124.

SCP-017-J - Narcissistic Time Displacement Field
She then experiences the time displacement, making her between 15 minutes to 3 hours late to every god damned thing I have ever invited her to.

SCP-004 - The 12 Rusty Keys and the Door
Testing on SCP-004 reveals that ten of the keys open SCP-004-1 on a dimension where the laws of physics and topology are significantly different than those of our home dimension.