SCP-5040-J - Stripèd Gangs
"Major Mime-11 has been lost, and with him nearly the entire North American supply of white gloves and black berets."

SCP-128 - Kinetic Energy Entity
“Despite what the recovery log would say, this is not a poltergeist. ‘Poltergeist’ is an obsolete term, anyway.”

“I know that your organization doesn’t approve of the term, but it is still the case. The Stag is a god, and it is not a mild god of Earth.”

SCP-105 - “Iris”
[SCP-105-B] …appears to be, for all intents and purposes, a normal Polaroid camera, operating normally for all persons aside from SCP-105.

SCP-1417-J - Passive-Aggressive Meteorite
Dr. James Anderson… six-time star of the annual Site-19 Christmas Pageant, entered the containment chamber to assist in conducting Emergency Procedure 1634-Broadway.