SCP-5040-J - Stripèd Gangs
"Major Mime-11 has been lost, and with him nearly the entire North American supply of white gloves and black berets."

SCP-138 - The Ever-Living Man
Due to his severely injured state, SCP-138 is in a constant state of agony...

SCP-134 - Star-Eyed Child
Further study… revealed that the lights are actually stars and galaxies, visible as though SCP-134's eye sockets are somehow looking out into deep space.

“I know that your organization doesn’t approve of the term, but it is still the case. The Stag is a god, and it is not a mild god of Earth.”

SCP-106-J - The Barbecue Man
SCP-106-J is capable of vanishing into stoves or ovens, entering what seems to be a kind of “cookout dimension”.

SCP-126 - Invisible Friend
Personnel interacting with SCP-126 must undergo regular psychiatric screening, and personnel exhibiting emotional attachment to SCP-126 must be administered a Class B amnestic and reassigned.

SCP-9119-J - Horrid Little Gustav
SCP-9119-J is to be lockey-locked away in a standard Bad Little Hideous Person Cage for all of eternity.

SCP-114 - Bringer of Conflict
“But suddenly, we hear this soft whimpering over in the corner. I look, and there’s a little girl, must be eight or nine, curled up and all alone.”

SCP-106 - The Old Man
This activity can continue for days, with some subjected individuals being released for the express purpose of hunting, recapture, [DATA EXPUNGED].

SCP-105 - “Iris”
[SCP-105-B] …appears to be, for all intents and purposes, a normal Polaroid camera, operating normally for all persons aside from SCP-105.

SCP-5655 - Exactly the Kind of Genie You’d Expect To Find in an Empty Can of Spam
“I tried my hardest” was written on the back in pencil.

SCP-103 - The Never-Hungry Man
At this point, it is unknown how SCP-103 obtains the nutrients that a human would need to survive…

SCP-2008-J - Cryptozoological life form
…The life form was observed to [wear] a hat bearing a mysterious emblem resembling the Greek letter rho, a jersey, and footwear (although not pants) — and to operate a four-wheeled vehicle.
![SCP-001 - The Gate Guardian [Dr. Clef’s Proposal]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5ec85e2d4c483c5e7cb97193/1670018092873-Q0KWY3K9USR61IQDUYPK/001+Proposals.jpg)
SCP-001 - The Gate Guardian [Dr. Clef’s Proposal]
In order to prevent knowledge of SCP-001 from being leaked, several/no false SCP-001 files have been created alongside the true file/files.

SCP-2030 - LA U GH IS F UN
‘Filmed in front of a studio audience. Created in partnership with YWTGTHFT’

SCP-2128046979-J - You don’t know her, she works at a different Site!
…Colleagues who converse with Junior Researcher Jimmy have proven incapable of gleaning information about her whereabouts…

SCP-5001 - Sacrosanct
These factors, along with other mechanical devices surrounding the central chamber, has led researchers to believe that SCP-5001 is a containment unit for an unknown anomalous object.