SCP-144 - Tibetan Rope to Heaven
Throughout the centuries, several climbers have disappeared, yet the monks believe that one day they will return, bringing greater understanding and enlightenment with them.

SCP-142 - One-Armed Bandit
Staff assigned to SCP-142 must not have any personal or family history of compulsive gambling nor gambling addiction.

SCP-141 - Codex Damnatio
SCP-141 has apparently been employed in... heretical trials of the Catholic Church..., the Spanish Inquisition, the witch hunts of the 17th century, and the Red Scare of the mid-20th century.

SCP-138 - The Ever-Living Man
Due to his severely injured state, SCP-138 is in a constant state of agony...

SCP-134 - Star-Eyed Child
Further study… revealed that the lights are actually stars and galaxies, visible as though SCP-134's eye sockets are somehow looking out into deep space.

SCP-133 - Instant Hole
SCP-133 came to the Foundation's attention following a string of high-profile burglaries…

SCP-132 - Broken Desert
Clusters of contiguous instances have been internally consistent and have been confirmed to display areas of every major desert.

SCP-131 - The “Eye Pods”
It would seem that the only sustenance they require is visual stimulation (although this requires further study to verify).

SCP-3333-J - Angsty Teenage Plant
SCP-3333-J apparently grows better when listening to songs by My Chemical Romance. It is allowed to do so as long as the volume is set to a reasonable level.

SCP-123-J - Amazing Butter-like Substance!
When informed that the substance is not organic butter, subjects typically report disbelief.

SCP-127 - The Living Gun
SCP-127 features two settings: semi-automatic and fully automatic (an audible groan can be heard when switching between the two).

SCP-120 - Teleporting Paddling Pool
Subjects using the item are invariably deposited at one of 11 locations.

SCP-117 - Complete Multitool
However, if the user is faced with a specific task, regardless of what tool the subject intends to pull out and use, a tool perfectly fit for the task at hand will take its place.

“Beginning at approx. 5 minutes, multiple incisions, lacerations and penetration wounds can be seen being slowly inflicted, though no corresponding source of these wounds is visible.”

SCP-115 - Miniature Dump Truck
SCP-115-1 was originally found in a construction site… where workers attempted to move it, but found the task impossible due to the fact that SCP-115-1 weighs 90 tons.

SCP-113 - The Gender-Switcher
In subjects with nonstandard gender identities (typically gender identities which do not match their pre-exposure biological sex), this usually results in positive psychological effects.

SCP-111 - Dragon Snails™
“Hold your newly-hatched Dragon-Snails™ so they get a good look at you and think you're their mommy.”

SCP-108 - Extradimensional Nasal Cavity
The filtration filling must be removed on a regular basis when it gets expended… as the subject is essentially inhaling the atmosphere of a formerly-sealed… mass war grave.

SCP-107 - The Turtle Shell
The Foundation became involved after intercepting reports of strange weather events at the dig, accompanied by unusual plant growth.

SCP-105 - “Iris”
[SCP-105-B] …appears to be, for all intents and purposes, a normal Polaroid camera, operating normally for all persons aside from SCP-105.