SCP-095 - The Atomic Adventures of Ronnie Ray-Gun
“In the Far-Fetched Future World of the 1980s, only Ronnie Ray-Gun can save the day.”

SCP-090 - Apocorubik’s Cube
“We observed a six segment alignment today on the 1st side. It was noted and passed without incident. Two hours later, a research assistant returned from the break room with news that a tsunami had occurred in the Indian Ocean...”

SCP-089 - Tophet
“While the role of SCP-089 in actually causing Type-S Events is unclear, experience has demonstrated that the prompt and precise application of Protocol M8 is effective in limiting the damage that they do.”

SCP-025 - A Well-Worn Wardrobe
The cause of death or injury in these instances is invariably linked to the… flaws in the clothing, but only ever appears to be an unrelated incident.