SCP-1461 - House of the Worm
“I am what you have made me. I am choice and I am tyranny. Forgive me.”

SCP-123-J - Amazing Butter-like Substance!
When informed that the substance is not organic butter, subjects typically report disbelief.

“I know that your organization doesn’t approve of the term, but it is still the case. The Stag is a god, and it is not a mild god of Earth.”

SCP-3008 - A Perfectly Normal, Regular Old IKEA
“The motto for this place should be ‘How Is That Even Possible’. Surely someone, somewhere must be looking for the thousands of people that must be in here.”

“Beginning at approx. 5 minutes, multiple incisions, lacerations and penetration wounds can be seen being slowly inflicted, though no corresponding source of these wounds is visible.”

SCP-4910 - “The Grinner”
Artistic representation varies wildly, yet focuses exclusively on various amalgamations of teeth and the associated gingiva.

SCP-K9-J-EX - The Haunted House
Further investigation would be performed into SCP-K9-J-1's properties, but it's a GH-GH-GHOOOOOOST!

SCP Tales, Episode 12 - "Re: KTO-0001-Bellfather 'Overwatch Council'"
“Attached below you will find all the information we have gathered concerning the leadership of the Security and Containment Protectorate…”

![SCP Tales, Episode 11 - “Fernand’s Memoir” [SCP-082]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5ec85e2d4c483c5e7cb97193/1624834430201-MVCQ7F9JVPLDXYMBTO6G/SCP+Tales.png)
SCP Tales, Episode 11 - “Fernand’s Memoir” [SCP-082]
“‘Beast!’ they called him. ‘Abomination!’ they cried,
The boy could not smile, no matter how much he tried.”

SCP-1992 - Hype Train
It is theorized SCP-1992-J-1 will only preemptively manifest to represent media that are met with a largely negative reaction upon release.

SCP-50-AE-J - The Deagle
Investigations into the further properties of SCP-50-AE-1 have been stymied by the fact that SCP-50-AE-1 continues to attack Foundation scientists, calling them "PINKO F*CKS".

SCP-063-J - Non-Euclidean Geometries
Attempts to characterise the shape of SCP-063-J while empty… are ongoing but have been described as "frustrating" and "pointless".

This site has been destroyed by SCP-OO1-J, ergo, I can enjoy Petula Clark as much as I damn well please and only corpses will judge me.

SCP-2008-J - Cryptozoological life form
…The life form was observed to [wear] a hat bearing a mysterious emblem resembling the Greek letter rho, a jersey, and footwear (although not pants) — and to operate a four-wheeled vehicle.