SCP-4910 - “The Grinner”
Artistic representation varies wildly, yet focuses exclusively on various amalgamations of teeth and the associated gingiva.

SCP-007-J - Unidentified Muffin Creature
Whilst unobserved by Officer Blake, SCP-007-J… disappeared by unknown means, leaving only a residue of unknown properties on Officer Blake's lips.

SCP-173-J - The Original “The Sculpture”
"It sounds like he's up for a pudding wrassle [sic]. It's okay, I'm pretty sure you can take him.”

SCP-173 - The Sculpture
“At all times, two persons must maintain direct eye contact with SCP-173 until all personnel have vacated and relocked the container.”

SCP-1155 - Predatory Street Art
A period of rapid relocations was noted in SCP-1155, where it was observed in several public places with a posture that suggested hunting/tracking behavior.

SCP-018-J - Normal Trench Coat Worn By An Adult
… As expected, the D-Class personnel were distracted from their escape by the prospect of viewing an R-rated movie.

SCP-071 - Degenerative Metamorphic Entity
“…SCP-071 assumed the shape of a female Golden Retriever. D-7883 reacted with shock and refused to proceed with the experiment, though the subject’s physiological signs were consistent with a state of sexual arousal.”

SCP-056 - A Beautiful Person
“…It told me that we were ‘unable to provide [it] with enough sycophants’, and that it ‘wanted the whole world to know [its] face.’ Needless to say, its request was denied.”

SCP-4999 - Someone to Watch Over Us
SCP-4999 will manifest only in the presence of one solitary human person at a time. All subjects recorded to date have been in terminally poor health, critically injured, or on their deathbeds…