SCP-2718 - What Happens After
“My name is Miriam Prayther. I have been O5-7 for seventy-seven years. I will remain so for perhaps seven minutes more…”

SCP-139 - All Eyes on Lucian 👁
SCP-139-Ω is presently being tracked, observed, and hounded by Site-97 deep-cover personnel.

SCP-4493 - Keep Pride out of Corps
“Companies that work together, it spreads through their business dealings and manifests when they do some rainbow capitalism.”

SCP-HR009-J - Eye-Grabbing Clickbait Title
SCP-████ - Different Typeface Will Get Me Noticed

SCP-7560-J - Deccadence, Being the Writings of Wisest RESEARCHER Frank Gene Decray
The SCP Designated Object Entity is angelic alien with many wise inventions for humankind CRIMINALLY held by Foundation Communist Criminal Gangster Conspiracy…

SCP-1D6-J - Gygax’s Folly
Object Class: On a 1: Safe; 2: Euclid; 3: Keter; 4: Safe, later promoted to Euclid once it exploded a guy's eyeballs; 5: Safe, later promoted to Keter once it exploded ten guys' eyeballs; 6: Double Keter.
![SCP-6327-J - [redacted for brevity]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5ec85e2d4c483c5e7cb97193/1677121541297-LFWH50V3ICXE2H2BQYCO/Joke+Series+%28website%29+%282023+update%29.png)
SCP-6327-J - [redacted for brevity]
“There is a current and present emergency, and I am about to describe it. Please listen carefully, as this will contain important information.”

SCP-074 - Quantum Woodlouse
In the event of a spontaneous containment breach, personnel can… physically [push] SCP-074 in the desired direction, gently tapping its compound eyes with an open palm…
![SCP-055 - [unknown]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5ec85e2d4c483c5e7cb97193/1590296740757-PWALG72QPG6OIXMW2SMN/Main+Series.png)
SCP-055 - [unknown]
Who authorized the construction of SCP-055's containment room, why it was constructed in this way, or what the purpose of the described Containment Procedures may be, are all unknown.

SCP-048 - The Cursed SCP Number
“This is ridiculous. I'll prove to you superstitious bastards that you're all just being pussies.”