SCP-2718 - What Happens After
“My name is Miriam Prayther. I have been O5-7 for seventy-seven years. I will remain so for perhaps seven minutes more…”

SCP-19316-J - Improper Terminology
Evelyn's pork chops are to be kept in a sealed plastic container in the 5th Floor Break Room's refrigerator.

SCP-50-AE-J - The Deagle
Investigations into the further properties of SCP-50-AE-1 have been stymied by the fact that SCP-50-AE-1 continues to attack Foundation scientists, calling them "PINKO F*CKS".

SCP-4493 - Keep Pride out of Corps
“Companies that work together, it spreads through their business dealings and manifests when they do some rainbow capitalism.”

SCP-4966 - Tubbioca: Devourer of Souls, Consumer of Secrets, Lord of Munchies
“The pat people who visit me. They tell the red people stuff through the head parts.”

SCP-062 - “Quantum” Computer
Inspection of its interior has revealed that SCP-062 is empty except for a blank circuit board in place of where the motherboard of a standard personal computer would be.

SCP-043 - The Beatle
When the twenty-ninth track is reached, instead of playing "Revolution 9", the disc stops spinning and faint breathing can be heard.

SCP-030 - The Homunculus
SCP-030 has also demonstrated knowledge of physics, chemistry, astronomy, mathematics and horticulture roughly equivalent to that of a 17th-century CE academic.

SCP-028 - Knowledge
Subjects “entering” SCP-028 are… struck by total and complete knowledge of a subject. This knowledge is thus far completely random in both size and usefulness…