SCP-078-J - Cooties
Although the properties of SCP-078-J are not fully understood, it is well known for causing various cases of yuckiness, bad smells, and immediate death.

SCP-1461 - House of the Worm
“I am what you have made me. I am choice and I am tyranny. Forgive me.”

SCP-5040-J - Stripèd Gangs
"Major Mime-11 has been lost, and with him nearly the entire North American supply of white gloves and black berets."

SCP-139 - All Eyes on Lucian 👁
SCP-139-Ω is presently being tracked, observed, and hounded by Site-97 deep-cover personnel.

SCP-138 - The Ever-Living Man
Due to his severely injured state, SCP-138 is in a constant state of agony...

SCP-135 - Universal Carcinogen
Disciplinary measures need not be taken against personnel that violate this rule, because the direct consequences of SCP-135's effects have been deemed consequence enough.

SCP-134 - Star-Eyed Child
Further study… revealed that the lights are actually stars and galaxies, visible as though SCP-134's eye sockets are somehow looking out into deep space.

SCP-106-J - The Barbecue Man
SCP-106-J is capable of vanishing into stoves or ovens, entering what seems to be a kind of “cookout dimension”.

SCP-126 - Invisible Friend
Personnel interacting with SCP-126 must undergo regular psychiatric screening, and personnel exhibiting emotional attachment to SCP-126 must be administered a Class B amnestic and reassigned.

SCP-122 - no more monstɘrs
“Last night, there was a beautiful angel with wings and he was standing there, and he was looking at me… by the door! He did that alllll night!”

SCP-9119-J - Horrid Little Gustav
SCP-9119-J is to be lockey-locked away in a standard Bad Little Hideous Person Cage for all of eternity.

SCP-3008 - A Perfectly Normal, Regular Old IKEA
“The motto for this place should be ‘How Is That Even Possible’. Surely someone, somewhere must be looking for the thousands of people that must be in here.”

“AUDIT: SCP-116”
“…You were brought onto this project to see it to its end. It has been several months. What is the current status of SCP-116?”

“Beginning at approx. 5 minutes, multiple incisions, lacerations and penetration wounds can be seen being slowly inflicted, though no corresponding source of these wounds is visible.”

SCP-K9-J-EX - The Haunted House
Further investigation would be performed into SCP-K9-J-1's properties, but it's a GH-GH-GHOOOOOOST!

SCP-114 - Bringer of Conflict
“But suddenly, we hear this soft whimpering over in the corner. I look, and there’s a little girl, must be eight or nine, curled up and all alone.”

SCP-108 - Extradimensional Nasal Cavity
The filtration filling must be removed on a regular basis when it gets expended… as the subject is essentially inhaling the atmosphere of a formerly-sealed… mass war grave.

SCP-106 - The Old Man
This activity can continue for days, with some subjected individuals being released for the express purpose of hunting, recapture, [DATA EXPUNGED].

SCP-105 - “Iris”
[SCP-105-B] …appears to be, for all intents and purposes, a normal Polaroid camera, operating normally for all persons aside from SCP-105.