SCP-111 - Dragon Snails™
“Hold your newly-hatched Dragon-Snails™ so they get a good look at you and think you're their mommy.”

SCP-089 - Tophet
“While the role of SCP-089 in actually causing Type-S Events is unclear, experience has demonstrated that the prompt and precise application of Protocol M8 is effective in limiting the damage that they do.”

SCP-081 - Spontaneous Combustion Virus
“Due to the United States’ current obesity epidemic, it is crucial that wild SCP-081 be eradicated.”

SCP-060 - Infernal Occult Skeleton
SCP-060-Alpha is extremely dangerous, having proven to be hostile and relatively intelligent.

SCP-666½-J - The Roaring Flames of Hell
Subjects often experience shortness of breath, extreme jaw pain from the clenching of teeth, and mild bruising on hands from putting the rim of the toilet bowl in a death grip.

SCP-023 - Black Shuck
In an attempt to curtail the danger posed by SCP-023, Dr. ████████ has approved the removal of both 023's eyes and teeth.