SCP-142 - One-Armed Bandit
Staff assigned to SCP-142 must not have any personal or family history of compulsive gambling nor gambling addiction.

SCP-1992 - Hype Train
It is theorized SCP-1992-J-1 will only preemptively manifest to represent media that are met with a largely negative reaction upon release.

SCP-020-J - A Pale Comparison
SCP-020-J was discovered outside Site-30's 5th-floor janitor closet alongside the corpses of Janitor Worth, five site guards, D-1221, and Dr. Cimmerian.

SCP-1155 - Predatory Street Art
A period of rapid relocations was noted in SCP-1155, where it was observed in several public places with a posture that suggested hunting/tracking behavior.

SCP-1322-J - A Whole New World
Barnes attempts to enter the anomaly for 23 minutes, but is blocked by SCP-1322-J-1-Barnes. Testing ends after SCP-1322-J-1-Barnes becomes aggressive.

SCP-061 - Auditory Mind Control
Most test subjects report being unable to remember the actions they performed while under control, but a few have experienced the effect of "watching helplessly" as their body acted against their will.

SCP-051 - Japanese Obstetrical Model
“There was more blood, and the baby began to emerge into my hands. … I had never seen such a thing.”

SCP-046 - “Predatory” Holly Bush
Investigation is ongoing into potential memetic effects brought about by knowledge of SCP-046…
![“[FILE NOT FOUND]”](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5ec85e2d4c483c5e7cb97193/1590296740757-PWALG72QPG6OIXMW2SMN/Main+Series.png)

SCP-027 - The Vermin God
As host to SCP-027, subject 027-02 is constantly surrounded by swarming vermin that are drawn to his location.

SCP-010 - Collars of Control
“SCP-010 has been demonstrated to work more effectively in creating unskilled labor than for any other task.”