SCP-4005 - The Holy and Heavenly City of Fabled China
“There's a better world out there, Martha!”

SCP-133 - Instant Hole
SCP-133 came to the Foundation's attention following a string of high-profile burglaries…

SCP-120 - Teleporting Paddling Pool
Subjects using the item are invariably deposited at one of 11 locations.

SCP-109 - Infinite Canteen
“…New Class D personnel are often dared to empty the bottle. Guards are reminded that they are to discourage such activity, and inform them that SCP-109 is bottomless.”

SCP-5655 - Exactly the Kind of Genie You’d Expect To Find in an Empty Can of Spam
“I tried my hardest” was written on the back in pencil.

SCP-101 - Hungry Bag
SCP-101 has since changed appearance and shape with the apparent end of enticing a subject into reaching within the container.

SCP-877 - University Microchips
The chips are capable of interfacing with and controlling the motor functions of host creatures…

SCP-093 - Red Sea Object
The colors taken by SCP-093 are still being researched to establish a link. Current belief holds that the changes depend upon regrets carried by the holder.

SCP-2203 - Find the One for You!
“Find the One for you! Test your love, and find that one special someone you are destined to spend the rest of your life with! Your sweetheart is waiting!”

SCP-329-J - The Ghoooost Siiiign
“I am the ghoooost siiiign! Yield to oncoming traffiiic! Ooooooh!”

SCP-090 - Apocorubik’s Cube
“We observed a six segment alignment today on the 1st side. It was noted and passed without incident. Two hours later, a research assistant returned from the break room with news that a tsunami had occurred in the Indian Ocean...”

SCP-1322-J - A Whole New World
Barnes attempts to enter the anomaly for 23 minutes, but is blocked by SCP-1322-J-1-Barnes. Testing ends after SCP-1322-J-1-Barnes becomes aggressive.

SCP-1762 - Where The Dragons Went
“It's strange to see how much your world has changed; it is even stranger to see how we now appear in this place. In Fantasy, we are much bigger. Or maybe you've grown taller?”
![SCP-6327-J - [redacted for brevity]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5ec85e2d4c483c5e7cb97193/1677121541297-LFWH50V3ICXE2H2BQYCO/Joke+Series+%28website%29+%282023+update%29.png)
SCP-6327-J - [redacted for brevity]
“There is a current and present emergency, and I am about to describe it. Please listen carefully, as this will contain important information.”

SCP-064 - Flawed von Neumann Structure
Past observations indicate that the structure could attain the shape of a twelve-pointed star, over 10km in diameter and of considerable height.

SCP-034 - Obsidian Ritual Knife
…The individuals who have their flesh cut off by SCP-034 must still be biologically alive to maintain the facade.

SCP-013 - Blue Lady Cigarettes
“I see her everywhere. That sad blue lady. I feel like I know her but I can’t remember.”

SCP-010 - Collars of Control
“SCP-010 has been demonstrated to work more effectively in creating unskilled labor than for any other task.”