SCP-145 - Man-Absorbing Phone
In the background, the listener will hear sounds of violence and expressions of pain and anguish.

SCP-122 - no more monstɘrs
“Last night, there was a beautiful angel with wings and he was standing there, and he was looking at me… by the door! He did that alllll night!”

SCP-119 - Timecrowave
At power level 5, with an input of 999 seconds, the microwave will run for 999 seconds, and the contents will have aged… 31,529,964 years.

SCP-4252 - Beans and Betrayal
Jethusent the Mighty King / Please bless our presence with your own / Consume our Bubbling Beanous Bile / From up atop your sparkling throne

No stains! No mess! No permanent physical or mental trauma!

SCP-145-J - Another Shitty Day at Work
Object Class: Safe. It should be neutralized, but the Site Director's too goddamn cheap to buy a new one.
![SCP-086 - The Office of Dr. [REDACTED]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5ec85e2d4c483c5e7cb97193/1590296740757-PWALG72QPG6OIXMW2SMN/Main+Series.png)
SCP-086 - The Office of Dr. [REDACTED]
“Although we appreciate SCP-086's conscientiousness, there is at this time no pressing reason to classify it as "Euclid". If circumstances change, we'll reconsider.”