SCP-126 - Invisible Friend
Personnel interacting with SCP-126 must undergo regular psychiatric screening, and personnel exhibiting emotional attachment to SCP-126 must be administered a Class B amnestic and reassigned.
SCP-125 - Contagious Reflection
In its normal state, SCP-125 is completely harmless and incapable of multiplying. It is, however, perfectly capable of moving to a living reflective surface, specifically that of a living animal's cornea.
SCP-124 - Fertile Soil
Absolutely no biological matter is allowed within one metre of SCP-124 when not being studied.
SCP-123 - Contained Miniature Black Hole
Within approximately three meters, the gravitational pull is apparent to any observer, with dangling objects beginning to be pulled towards the sphere.
SCP-122 - no more monstɘrs
“Last night, there was a beautiful angel with wings and he was standing there, and he was looking at me… by the door! He did that alllll night!”
SCP-121 - Concrete Cradle
Instances of SCP-121-2 normally resemble animals capable of locomotion on land, but have been known to take on humanoid forms and forms that do not resemble any known animal.
SCP-120 - Teleporting Paddling Pool
Subjects using the item are invariably deposited at one of 11 locations.
SCP-119 - Timecrowave
At power level 5, with an input of 999 seconds, the microwave will run for 999 seconds, and the contents will have aged… 31,529,964 years.
SCP-118 - Nuclear Protists
“Researchers and engineers at Research Sector █ have managed to create a prototype uranium enrichment device based on the principles employed by SCP-118.”
SCP-117 - Complete Multitool
However, if the user is faced with a specific task, regardless of what tool the subject intends to pull out and use, a tool perfectly fit for the task at hand will take its place.
“AUDIT: SCP-116”
“…You were brought onto this project to see it to its end. It has been several months. What is the current status of SCP-116?”
SCP-115 - Miniature Dump Truck
SCP-115-1 was originally found in a construction site… where workers attempted to move it, but found the task impossible due to the fact that SCP-115-1 weighs 90 tons.
SCP-114 - Bringer of Conflict
“But suddenly, we hear this soft whimpering over in the corner. I look, and there’s a little girl, must be eight or nine, curled up and all alone.”
SCP-113 - The Gender-Switcher
In subjects with nonstandard gender identities (typically gender identities which do not match their pre-exposure biological sex), this usually results in positive psychological effects.
SCP-112 - The Variable Coaster
“every spin every turn every twist even when it got dark i could hear her laughing and wooing.”
SCP-111 - Dragon Snails™
“Hold your newly-hatched Dragon-Snails™ so they get a good look at you and think you're their mommy.”
SCP-110 - Subterranean City
“Three of the main life-sustaining services contained within the Core are damaged beyond reasonable repair. Any attempts to repair them would take… more time than we have left to live.”
SCP-109 - Infinite Canteen
“…New Class D personnel are often dared to empty the bottle. Guards are reminded that they are to discourage such activity, and inform them that SCP-109 is bottomless.”
SCP-108 - Extradimensional Nasal Cavity
The filtration filling must be removed on a regular basis when it gets expended… as the subject is essentially inhaling the atmosphere of a formerly-sealed… mass war grave.
SCP-107 - The Turtle Shell
The Foundation became involved after intercepting reports of strange weather events at the dig, accompanied by unusual plant growth.