SCP-094 - Miniature Event Horizon
Primary research activities on SCP-094 are concentrated on finding how to stop or reverse its growth without inducing cataclysmic failure.

SCP-1437 - A Hole to Another Place
All emerging individuals carried documents which appear to be their respective universes' documentation on SCP-1437.

SCP-087 - The Stairwell
“She still sounds far away. I don't feel like I'm getting any closer. It's like for every step I take, she takes one down.”

SCP-084 - Static Tower
One subject from ██████████ █████, found on the grass plane, reported he had been traveling for six years. He was found approximately four hundred meters from ██████████ █████ city limits.

SCP-083 - An Abandoned Row Home
Both groups [of personnel] inside the property not only described very different living conditions, but their descriptions didn't even correspond to the same floor plan.

SCP-1983 - Doorway to Nowhere
“There's one thing you can do. I couldn't go through with it, but maybe you can. It won't help you live, I don't think, but it's… I think it's important.”

SCP-004 - The 12 Rusty Keys and the Door
Testing on SCP-004 reveals that ten of the keys open SCP-004-1 on a dimension where the laws of physics and topology are significantly different than those of our home dimension.