SCP-125 - Contagious Reflection
In its normal state, SCP-125 is completely harmless and incapable of multiplying. It is, however, perfectly capable of moving to a living reflective surface, specifically that of a living animal's cornea.

SCP-118 - Nuclear Protists
“Researchers and engineers at Research Sector █ have managed to create a prototype uranium enrichment device based on the principles employed by SCP-118.”

SCP-877 - University Microchips
The chips are capable of interfacing with and controlling the motor functions of host creatures…

SCP-1048 - Builder Bear
“This is not a joke. We have no idea what SCP-1048's full capabilities are. Who knows how many of the damn things are out there by now?”

SCP-088 - The Lizard King
…Affected personnel underwent a painful mutation after which they shared the physical characteristics of SCP-088.

SCP-072 - The Foot of the Bed
Instances of SCP-072 have only been observed to manifest when a human… enters REM sleep while located in a bed ‘infected’ by SCP-072 and leaves a foot or feet exposed to open air.

SCP-068 - The Wire Figure
Once metal has been found, SCP-068 will begin to knead it and pull a thin strip of metal off of it. SCP-068 will then construct another figure similar to itself.

SCP-064 - Flawed von Neumann Structure
Past observations indicate that the structure could attain the shape of a twelve-pointed star, over 10km in diameter and of considerable height.

SCP-033 - The Missing Number
“Imagine if all our technology was based on the belief that after 4 came 6. We simply didn't know or conceive of 5.”

SCP-015 - Pipe Nightmare
Pipes have been reported as being made of bone, wood, steel, pressed ash, human flesh, glass, and granite.

SCP-003 - Biological Motherboard
“She tried to talk to us. We all heard her voice in our heads, in a sort of half-language we couldn't fully understand.”