SCP-093 - Red Sea Object
The colors taken by SCP-093 are still being researched to establish a link. Current belief holds that the changes depend upon regrets carried by the holder.

SCP-2203 - Find the One for You!
“Find the One for you! Test your love, and find that one special someone you are destined to spend the rest of your life with! Your sweetheart is waiting!”

SCP-077 - Rot Skull
All biological material… which comes in contact with SCP-077-1 is instantly transformed into a viscous, malodorous ooze… identified as the rotted flesh of potato tubers…

SCP-076 - “Able”
Upon coming into contact with living humans, SCP-076-2 will enter a rage state in which it attempts to engage and kill all human beings encountered.

SCP-073 - “Cain”
There is a symbol engraved into the forehead of the subject, which appears to be of Sumerian origin. Symbol has of yet been untranslated, and subject appears distressed when the symbol is mentioned at all, refusing to speak on it.