

The voice of the Database was provided by Joshua Alan Lindsay.

Document #: M-03


The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has forced numerous personnel deemed non-essential into isolation in their quarters. The Foundation thanks all personnel for doing their due diligence in maintaining social distancing measures, washing their hands, and reporting their symptoms to their site’s infirmary. In an effort to boost morale, the Database maintenance staff will begin releasing an extra series of short creative audio works on this main channel every Wednesday until the pandemic resolves. Such works, while not directly relevant to the SCP Foundation, will feature genres popular amongst Foundation personnel, including horror, science fiction, and the Occult. The first of these will be released Wednesday, April 8th, 2020, following a special April 1st object briefing the week prior. The Database maintenance staff wishes good health and good spirits to all personnel.

A message from O5 Command: Investigations into the disappearances of SCP-005 and SCP-029 have concluded that the two containment breaches are unrelated. While SCP-029 remains at large, the identification of numerous logged instances of unauthorized information access that are not triggering security protocols have led investigators to conclude that SCP-005 remains on site, in the hands of a Foundation employee. This member of personnel hereby has 72 hours to turn themself over to site security for interrogation, amnesticization, and termination of employment. Such leniency will not be granted beyond this window.

The Database maintenance staff would like to thank new Patreon patrons Angelo Pileggi, Carter Marshall, Geo (Overand), Jaketheripper18, Jared Falto, Joey Kedziora, Lucas Edwards, Noodle, and ZZ Slipaway. As a show of appreciation for their continued support in this time of global crisis, all of these personnel, regardless of Clearance Level, have now been granted the opportunity to request specific works to release as part of the aforementioned series of extra Wednesday episodes. If any other personnel would like to make such episode requests, or to expand their access to the Database to include Joke SCPs, audio log outtakes, and the ability to request that object briefings on specific SCPs be made available, they may follow the link in the description to visit



SCP-076 - “Able”


SCP-075 - Corrosive Snail